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Remote Simulation with SimCapture | Laerdal Medical
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Remote Simulation with SimCapture

Support your Learners, On or Offsite

COVID-19 has drastically changed the way organizations plan and deliver training and education. As faculty and sim center staff continue to adapt and respond to the changes and challenges of remote learning, SimCapture can help you build competence and confidence - anywhere, anytime.

SimCapture allows you to effectively manage, record, and assess simulation training, both on-site and offsite. Start utilizing video and data insights to drive improvements in your simulation program.


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Remote and hardware-free solutions with SimCapture

In addition to the on-site offering, our SimCapture remote solutions allow you to fully run your simulation activities and manage your sim center hardware-free with no compromise on your learning objectives:

  • Utilize consistent and data-driven feedback to impact quality outcomes
  • Improve clinical competency by aligning metrics with educational objectives
  • Improve simulation program efficiency through resource and capacity management, scheduling, ROI data, ease of evaluation and flexible workflows
  • Deliver training from anywhere at any time

By choosing SimCapture Cloud as your center's simulation and debriefing management platform, you can gain a significant return on investment (ROI) in four critical areas of operation.

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SimCapture helps you continue delivering engaging training from anywhere


Worldwide Learner Access

Learners can access their sessions for debriefing, complete evaluations on themselves or peers, and view their scores and reports from anywhere.


On-site or In-situ Recording

Use the SimCapture system or the iOS app to record your faculty or small learner groups in your simulation center demonstrating skills, assessments, etc. and allow your students to remotely view and complete evaluations based on them.


Virtual Debriefing

Record students in small groups in your simulation lab, then use SimCapture to allow other students to view the recording and debrief from home.

Adapting to the New Normal with Remote Simulation

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about best practices for remote simulation from Seton Hall University’s School of Health and Medical Sciences Program.

SimCapture - a Learning Management Solution for healthcare simulation and education

SimCapture allows you to effectively manage, record, and assess simulation training, both on-site and in-situ. Capture audio, video, annotations, patient monitors, and simulator data in a single web-based interface.

Learn more about how you can use video-driven solutions  in innovative and powerful ways to improve healthcare. 

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