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Make the most of your resources | Laerdal Medical
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Making the most of your resources

Peer to Peer Simulation

Improving the opportunity to learn

Limited teaching staff available to run simulations often results in valuable resources such as training facilities and training equipment being underutilized. This spare capacity provides a poor return on investment and also results in less training time for the students. Importantly, a lack of opportunities to practice results in too little hands-on experience for learners to grow both their competence and confidence. The methodology of students teaching students allows for deliberate practice and mastery learning.



Learning together

Formalized learning together with peers is an effective and efficient way of learning or practicing key skills and procedures. At a time when resources are stretched and demands upon staff are increasing, peer-to-peer learning offers students the opportunity to take advantage of a valuable resource –  each other. This method also enables more practice than traditional teaching and learning methods as it is not dependent on having a facilitator trained in simulation and debriefing present.

Peer to peer simulation allows members of small groups to guide one another through different sets of formalized training scenarios. The scenarios are standardized, often with built-in scoring and feedback, to allow the groups of learners to practice on their own until they feel competent and confident. This is known as “Mastery Learning” or “Deliberate Practice”. Such learning is beneficial also because normally involves learners coming from the same cohort, or colleagues on a ward. It is not a substitute for teaching and activities designed and conducted by staff, but complements the teaching and learning activities and enhances the quality of overall education.

How Laerdal can help

Laerdal provides solutions to enable students to train each other. Our peer-to-peer programs offer step-by-step guidance with built-in scoring to allow students to teach one another basic skills in a secure environment. Our programs are designed to ensure all educational opportunities are utilized and result in more comprehensive learning.

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We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.