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This is Laerdal Medical – Helping save lives | Laerdal Medical
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Saving more lives — together

Helping save lives.
It’s what we do.

We believe that no one should die or be disabled unnecessarily during birth, from sudden illness, trauma, or medical errors.

As a world leader in healthcare education and resuscitation training, our immersive technologies and data-centric insights increase survival and improve healthcare quality.

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global presence

Where you are, we are

With Laerdal as your partner, your organization has access to an expansive portfolio of services and support to help you succeed.

Contact us

Our Business

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Healthcare education

Our 160 experts in 22 countries provide comprehensive training modules, seminars, and further services. We help maximize results from training, for both instructors and learners.

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We provide complete simulation solutions: Practice and develop decision-making skills while improving communication and teamwork with our high-fidelity training products, services, and digital support.

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For more than 60 years, Laerdal Medical has been dedicated to supporting the advancement of Resuscitation Science. Our offering includes training solutions for both community and professional first responders.

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Medical Devices

We manufacture long lasting and highly durable medical devices certified by the respective, accrediting authorities. Our products enable trained medical staff to make vital interventions in the service of direct patient care.


Sometimes, technology really makes the world better

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Helping save lives

One Million Lives

Helping save one million more lives. Every year. By 2030. That is our goal.

Improving the quality of care is part of our mission, to help save more lives. And we have established the goal to help save 1 million more lives. Every year. By 2030. However, we can’t do this alone.

This is a shared goal of Laerdal Group. A group of companies that develops healthcare-related solutions and programs focused on a joint mission to helping save lives, together with our Partners.

One Million Lives