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Premature Anne | Laerdal Medical
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Premature Anne

Helping Improve Premature Birth Outcomes

Train for the Specific Needs of Premature Babies

Build Confidence in Handling Pre-Term Births

The 10 minutes after birth are critical for all babies, especially for those born prematurely. With preterm birth complications being one of the leading causes of death among children under five, being prepared for the various scenarios is vital.

Developed in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics, Premature Anne authentically represents this unique challenge for clinical preparation and skill development.

An anatomically correct manikin of a baby born at 25 weeks, Premature Anne helps healthcare professionals to:

  • refine standard practices for various challenges presented in premature newborns
  • integrate the latest technologies into preterm infant training programs
  • master the skills needed to care for preterm infants, improving patient outcomes

Practice various skills within:


Airway Management
Anatomically correct airways in both location and size ensure proper technique for:

  • Suctioning
  • Intubation
  • ET/NG/OG tube insertion


Reactive chest that rises and falls. Premature Anne Standard with SimPad PLUS furthers the learning with:

  • Identifying cyanosis
  • Hearing heart, lung, and vocal sounds


Vascular Access

  • Practice umbilical vein catheterization
  • Simulated blood flashback upon cannulation of umbilical vein


Dry pre-ported IV sites

  • Right saphenous vein
  • Dorsum on left hand
  • Left antecubital fossa
A solution for different needs

Two options for learners to master skills

and train as a team


Premature Anne Simulator

Airway Features

  • Anatomically accurate, realistic airway
  • ET tube insertion
  • Sellick Manoeuvre
  • Positive Pressure Ventilation
  • Right mainstem intubation
  • Suctioning
  • OG/NG tube insertion

Breathing Features

  • Bilateral and unilateral chest rise and fall with mechanical ventilation
  • Cyanosis

Breathing Complications

  • Unilateral chest movement (right mainstem intubation) with mechanical ventilation


  • Realistic Compressions

Vascular Access

  • Patent, cuttable umbilicus with venous and arterial access for bolus or infusion
  • Simulated blood flashback upon cannulation of umbilical vein
  • Peripheral IV access (dry ports only)


  • Auscultation of lung sounds during ventilation
  • Heart sounds
  • Vocal sounds

Premature Anne Task Trainer

Airway Features

  • Anatomically accurate, realistic airway
  • ET tube insertion
  • Sellick Manoeuvre
  • Positive Pressure Ventilation
  • Right mainstem intubation
  • Suctioning
  • OG/NG tube insertion

Breathing Features

  • Bilateral and unilateral chest rise and fall with mechanical ventilation

Breathing Complications

  • Unilateral chest movement (right mainstem intubation) with mechanical ventilation


  • Realistic Compressions

Vascular Access

  • Patent, cuttable umbilicus with venous and arterial access for bolus or infusion
  • Simulated blood flashback upon cannulation of umbilical vein
  • Peripheral IV access (dry ports only)


  • Auscultation of lung sounds during ventilation