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Newborn Anne | Laerdal Medical
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Newborn Anne

Clinical skills training for neonatal healthcare professionals

The Newborn Anne is a manikin designed for skills training in neonatal resuscitation. With anatomical accuracy and product features designed to focus on the critical resuscitation skills required in the first ten minutes of a newborn’s life, Newborn Anne meets the key components of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program and most other neonatal clinical training curricula.


Airway Features

  • Positioning the newborn to simulate opening the airway via head tilt, chin lift or jaw thrust
  • Positive Pressure Ventilation  (BVM, T-Piece resuscitator, or anesthesia bag)
  • ET tube intubation
  • LMA insertion
  • Orogastric tube insertion
  • Stomach distension (when ET is misplaced)
  • Suctioning (of the nares, nasopharynx, oropharynx, esophagus and the lungs via an ET tube) - Fluids should not be introduced into the airway
  • Meconium module for suction removal

Breathing features

  • Bilateral and unilateral (with mainstem intubation) chest rise and fall with mechanical ventilation
  • Pneumothorax - Needle thoracentesis left mid axillary (pneumothorax)

Cardiac features

  • Manual chest compression at appropriate depth (1/3 AP) and force

Circulation Features

  • Manual umbilical pulse

 Vascular Access

  • Umbilical Vein/ Artery access via patent umbilicus
  • IO access in left and right lower leg, tibial tuberosity and medial malleolus

 Other Features

  • Full articulation