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NG Tube and Trach Care Trainer | Laerdal Medical
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NG Tube and Trach Care Trainer

Torso task trainer designed for instruction in the care of patients with respiratory conditions and the practice of gastrointestinal care procedures via nasal and oral access.


Head features anatomical landmarks, trachea, esophagus, simulated lungs, and stomach

Lungs and stomach may be filled with fluid for realistic practice of many procedures:

  • Tracheostomy care
  • Tracheal suctioning
  • NG tube insertion and removal
  • NG tube irrigation, instillation, and monitoring
  • Feeding tube insertion and removal
  • Gastric lavage and gavage
  • Nasoenteric and esophageal tube insertion, care, and removal
  • Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal insertion and suctioning
  • Insertion, securing, and care of endotracheal tubes