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Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer | Laerdal Medical
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Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer

The most realistic tool for practicing the specialized skills required for infant airway management


Realistic practice is the key to developing proficiency in airway management skills. The Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer provides the realistic anatomy of a three-month-old infant for teaching and practicing basic and advanced airway management skills.

Product benefits:

  • Realistic representation of human anatomy, tissue, and skin material
  • Allows students to undertake training that is directly transferable to the clinical setting
  • Minimal maintenance and robust design enable costeffective training
  • A base plate mount allows stable practicing conditions and easy transportation
  • The cover prevents dust from coming into contact with the head during storage

Product features:

  • Realistic anatomy of the tongue, oropharynx, epiglottis, larynx, vocal cords, and trachea
  • Practicing of oral and nasal intubation
  • Practicing use of LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway)
  • Correct tube placement can be checked by practical inflation test
  • Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation can be practiced
  • Sellick Maneuver can be performed
  • Stomach inflation
  • Realistic tissue simulation