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Welcome to Laerdal Medical – Helping Save Lives | Laerdal Medical
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Laerdal’s goal is to help save
One million lives.
Every year by 2030.

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Partnering with Laerdal

State-of-the-art Simulation Center at SGT University

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Introducing the NEW
SimBaby and SimNewB

Helping Save Lives

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Uterus Collection

A comprehensive solution for training insertion and removal of interval, post abortion and post-partum IUCD



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Helping Mother's Survive

Created to build the capacity of all healthworkers who care for women and newborns...

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Setting up a Skills Lab

Our team have developed a comprehensive plan to help you establish the lab…

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Modular Skill's Trainer

Build competence in 16+ clinical skills with one portable trainer…

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Platform Driven Product Development 

Revolutionizing healthcare through cutting-edge product developmemt and platforms..

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Solutions Delivery & Support

We ensures that our customers receive the highest level of service and assistance…

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Infrastructure Operations

We employ latest technologies and industry best practices to optimize our infrastructure…

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We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.