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Network Services | Laerdal Medical
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Learners Thrive In A Technology Driven Environment

When you connect all your simulation equipment securely to one dedicated simulation network, students and staff are free to focus on educational outputs.

Network Services

Future-proof your network setup and simulate without connectivity limitations. Now, Laerdal can help you connect your simulation equipment to a dedicated enterprise network, resulting in enhanced operational efficiency and a seamless simulation experience ​

Connection to a dedicated network will help you to:​

  • Run stable simulation sessions​
  • Easily keep equipment up to date with the latest software and security updates​
  • Access on-the-spot remote support from Laerdal
  • Secure your future access to Laerdal's ecosystem of online solutions

How do I get started?


1. Contact us to get started
Enter your contact information, and we'll reach out to you to get started.

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2. Prepare your organization
Together we will plan a kick-off meeting with resources in your organization - educators, technicians, and IT.


3. Set up simulation network
Migrate your simulation equipment to the new network on your own with Laerdal's help. Or, if you prefer, Laerdal can send a Field Service Engineer to your site. 

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4. Enjoy effortless simulation
Run your simulations with a stable, secure connection.



“We have been extremely pleased with the outcome. We are now able to conduct simulations without interruption...and we now have time to dedicate to other tasks...From the guidance provided to our IT Department to the Field Service Engineer that was here onsite to complete the migration...we are extremely grateful and pleased with the entire process and favorable end result.”

Robert F. O’Dell, EMT-LP, LVN
Simulation Lab Operations Manager, Central Texas College

Get a head start

Start Assessing Your Network Now


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Network questionnaire >
What is your setup and equipment?

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Network requirements >
Our requirements for your network setup.


Network validator >
Check if your network is ready to connect.


Get started

Let us know your details and we'll be in touch to discuss the service and plan your kick off meeting.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.

We will handle your personal contact details with care as outlined in Laerdal's Privacy Policy.