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Equal opportunities. Laerdal on diversity and inclusion | Laerdal Medical
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Equal opportunities. Laerdal on diversity and inclusion

Equal opportunities. Laerdal on diversity and inclusion

We believe that diversity and inclusion from entry-level to top management help us drive better decision-making through multiple perspectives. It also allows us to understand our customers' needs across cultures.

Our diversity enables us to build more cultural awareness, better sensitivities for differences, and a broader competence-base. Diversity in all its forms (gender, nationality, education, experience, age, personality, etc.) is something we in Laerdal strive to achieve, and all management teams are encouraged to address and discuss diversity and inclusion in all our key decision-making processes.​

​​​​​The way we work

​​We offer equal treatment and opportunities for all employees as well as a working environment free from discrimination and harassment. Our global organization is present in many of the countries of the world and underlines the ethnic and cultural diversity within our workforce. Diversity is important to attract and retain talented people from around the world, promote a culture of respect, and enable us to operate more effectively in a global environment.

​​​​​​​Our focus on a gender-balanced workforce has enabled us to broaden our talent pool and better reflect our customers' needs. Gender balance is continuously measured, and the numbers are presented annually through the Sustainability Report.

We support the fundamental right to be free from discrimination based on background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, religion, race, ethnic origin, and/or political orientation. Throughout the entire organization we work to learn by creating, sharing, and applying knowledge and insights across Business Units and cultural borders as well as mindsets. Diversity is measured and the organizational numbers are presented in the annual Sustainability report.​

Our approach to equal opportunities is guided by our code of conduct which is applicable to the entire global organization.

​​​​​​​Through our corporate people policies and guidelines, we ensure that equal opportunities are embedded at all stages of employment.