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ASL 5000 Lung Solution - High Fidelity Lungs for SimMan and SimBaby | Laerdal Medical
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ASL 5000™ Lung Solution

High Fidelity Lungs for Realistic Ventilation Management Training

Use the ASL 5000 Lung Solution to run scenarios with a spontaneously breathing patient simulator supported on a ventilator. Available exclusively for Laerdal’s SimMan portfolio, Nursing Anne Simulator, and SimBaby.

Helping you teach ventilation management
– from basic to advanced

Ventilators are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and each type and brand has multiple options of ventilation modes. Combined with a wide range of respiratory conditions a patient might have, it is even more challenging to ensure clinical competency among clinicians responsible for ventilation management.

ASL 5000 Lung Solution is a breathing simulator intended for high-fidelity ventilation management training in respiratory care, critical care, pulmonology, anesthesia, and emergency medicine.  It can simulate any respiratory condition you may encounter, on any ventilator in any mode of ventilation.

This solution enables you to integrate advanced ventilation management training with Laerdal’s SimMan, Nursing Anne Simulator and SimBaby, all controlled with the LLEAP software. ASL 5000 can also be used as a task trainer for ventilator operation, waveform analysis, and equipment onboarding.



“The ASL Lung Solution is a win-win for everyone and changes the whole education model. It opens up an entirely new avenue for any of the hospital staff to take advantage of this training opportunity.”

Bill Garrison, BS ACCS-RRT RCP
Respiratory Educator
Simulation Lab, St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Made with IngMar Medical

The ASL 5000 Lung Solution is developed by IngMar
for Laerdal simulators exclusively.


The ASL 5000™ Lung Solution developed in collaboration with Laerdal, allows you to integrate the world’s most realistic breathing simulator, the ASL 5000™, with Laerdal’s SimMan portfolio, Nursing Anne Simulator, and SimBaby. Use your SimMan, Nursing Anne Simulator or SimBaby to conduct basic to advanced ventilation management training in anesthesia, critical care, emergency medicine, pulmonology, and respiratory care.

  • Ventilator-grade spontaneous breathing (passive to 100 bpm) with Muscle Pressure:
    • SimMan/Nursing Anne Simulator: 0 to -100 cmH₂O 
    • SimBaby: 0 to -30 cmH₂O
  • Tidal Volume 2.5 L

  • Bi-lateral and uni-lateral chest rise synchronized with breath rate and depth of respiration – SimMan and SimBaby

  • Bi-lateral chest rise synchronized with breath rate - Nursing Anne Simulator

  • Connect to any ventilator – just as you would a real patient

  • Use with any mode of ventilation including Pressure/Volume Control, Pressure Support, Jet

  • Ventilation, APRV, PAV, HFOV, NIV, SIMV

  • Compliance
    • SimMan/Nursing Anne Simulator: 0.5 to 250 mL/cmH₂O 
    • SimBaby: 0.5 to 15 mL/cmH₂O
  • Resistance
    • SimMan/Nursing Anne Simulator: 8 to 150 cmH₂O/L/s 
    • SimBaby: 23 to 250 cmH₂O/L/s
  • Holds PEEP from 0 to > 20 cmH₂O

  • Easily activate pre-programmed respiratory conditions with variable levels of severity including Normal, Asthma, ARDS, Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD), COPD, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and broncho-pulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

  • Lung parameters can be changed during scenario remotely, which have an immediate impact on the ventilator

  • Set independent inspiratory and expiratory resistances

  • Fully integrated with LLEAP interface (version 6.3 or higher for SimMan, version 6.7 or higher for SimBaby and version 7.0.1 for Nursing Anne Simulator) to provide learners with additional patient information such as blood pressure, heart rate, SpO₂, etCO₂, respiratory rate, lung sounds and more

  • Simulate scenarios with a spontaneously breathing patient supported on a ventilator. View ASL 5000-created patient-ventilator interactions

  • Adjustable (I:E) ratio. Inspiratory Time from 0 to 20 seconds and Expiratory Time from 0 to 20 seconds

  • Real-time display of waveforms and graphics

  • Create and save an unlimited number of user-defined respiratory conditions including pneumothorax, bronchospasm, pneumonia, cough, cystic fibrosis, flash pulmonary edema, and more.

  • Simulate scenarios where patient conditions change over time